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(SST) ShlWAPIFunctionInfo Version 1.0 |
Developer Reference |
Retrieves the version information data from the resources of the executable file specified in property DllFileName. |
Scope |
Protected (i.e. the method can only be accessed from code in a descendant class or the unit it which it is implemented). |
Syntax | |
Function RetResourceVersionInfo() : POINTER; VIRTUAL; |
Parameters | |
None |
Return Values |
If the function succeeds it returns a pointer to the buffer into which the raw, version information data was copied. If the function fails, the returned pointer is nil. |
Remarks |
The returned pointer and data are also available in the form of property ResourceVersionInfo, and reading the property should be preferred to calling the RetResourceVersionInfo function directly. |
The function determines the size of the buffer required to hold the data by reading property ResourceVersionInfoSize. If it is greater than zero, it reads property ResourceVersionInfoBuf to obtain a pointer to a buffer. Finally, if the pointer returned by ResourceVersionInfoBuf is not nil, the function calls the ANSI version of the Windows API function GetFileVersionInfo to retrieve and copy the version information into the provided buffer. In the event that the API function call returns FALSE, method SetLastErrorCode is called with a default error code of -1 (0xFFFFFFFF). |
Requirements | |
Unit | (Declared and implemented in) SSTNewUnit.pas |
Library | SSTNewUnit.dcu/SSTNewUnit.obj |
Unicode | Implemented as ANSI version only. |
Document/Contents version 1.00 Page/URI last updated on April 28, 2022 |
Copyright © Stoelzel Software Technologie (SST) 2010 - 2017 |
Suggestions and comments mail to: webmaster@stoelzelsoftwaretech.com |