Stoelzel Software Technologie SST
Information X
Please note, this application is still a prototype !
The HTMLStripper is currently still in an early stage of development. Version 0.4 is a preliminary and largely rudimentary implementation, not a fully developed and tested product.
Although it is comparatively stable, many of its features are not fully functional, don't always function as expected, or have yet to be implemented.
Nonetheless, it can be used.
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Screen Shots
HTMLStripper Main Window
The main window of the HTMLStripper Version 0.4 application, under Windows 10.
To view the remaining images, simply click on the current screen shot.
32-bit, Windows, Personal Computer (PC) executable.
Key Features
Dramatically reduces the time required to create keyword lists for use in keyword meta tags and Microsoft Compiled Help .hhk, keyword/key phrase, index files.
Reduces HTML/XML source code to that exposed to users, for example, when displayed in an Internet browser.
Automatically generates a list of the words used on a HTML/XML page.
Generates Microsoft Compiled Help, .hhk, keyword, index files, which can be immediately integrated into existing Microsoft Compiled Help projects.
Can be used to generate keyword meta tags (e.g. for use in HTML headers).
Makes proofreading easier.
Simplifies the detection of spelling mistakes/typographical errors.
Can simplify porting HTML/XML formatted texts into other, formatted, texts (e.g. TeX).
May be helpful in populating the (keyword) databases used in the text search implementations of websites.
May be in an aid in translating HTML/XML formatted pages from one natural language into another (e.g. from English into Spanish, etc.).
What's New in Version 0.4 ?
Apart from having removed a few bugs (and presumably adding some new ones to replace those we've just removed ;) and redesigning the application's source code, the most relevant changes are
We have added functionality by which it is now possible to create the inverted forms of keyword phrases simply, by means of as few as two keyboard shortcuts or mouse clicks.
A hierarchical view (aka a "tree view") of the keywords and their properties was finally added.
The keyword file format has been completely redesigned. Nonetheless the keyword lists, saved in one of the previous file formats, can still be opened.
Finding and adding the "anchors", that is tags such as <a name="ExampleAnchor"></a>, closest to the selected keywords, has been fully automated, thus reducing the amount of work necessary to locate a keyword in a help text considerably, both for the developer of the help and the user.
We have added a small window, in which the links to a keyword can be enhanced and/or edited.
The pages opened in the integrated browser can now be saved in their entirety, that is, as in external browsers, including all cascading style sheet (.css), script (e.g. .js, .vb, etc.), image/graphics, etc. files. Also, if the correct encoding format is chosen when saving a page, it is no longer necessary to convert the text format to either ANSI or Windows Unicode, in order to subsequently successfully process a HTML/XML file in the HTMLStripper.
Unfortunately, the integrated browser (which unlike the remainder of the HTTMLStripper's code) was not developed by SST) contains a minor bug which, under certain circumstances, places an opening or closing tag character ("<" or ">>", without the quotation marks) in a wrong position when saving the file(s) to disk. This confuses the HTMLStripper's (pre-)parser, in some cases resulting in HTML tag parameters to be included in the stripped contents.
Fortunately, this is no more than a minor nuisance and generally does not prevent further processing by the application. At worst it requires that a few words/phrases be removed manually from the stripped text. Also, as far as we have been able to ascertain to date (end of November 2024), it occurs only if the source code contains tags with empty arguments, such as alt="", title="", etc..
With the sole exception of the keywords, the files which are open in the HTMLStripper can now be printed.
The properties of the files that are open in the HTMLStripper can now determined by opening the Windows File Properties directly from the application.
Targeted User Group(s)
Because the HTMLStripper was primarily devised to automate the compilation of keyword lists for use in Microsoft, Compiled Help (.CHM), index files and HTML meta tags (as far as possible), the mainly targeted user groups are developers and/or authors of on- and offline help and documentation.
However, certain HTMLStripper features may also prove useful in merely, remotely, related professions, such as research, translation, and journalism.
Current Product Status
The HTMLStripper application is still in an early phase of development (version 0.4 of the first, fully implemented, version that will be assigned the number 1.0), numerous, planned features that will simplify and enhance its use even further, have therefore yet to be implemented.
System Requirements
Microsoft, Windows Vista, or any successor version (including 64-bit, Windows 10 editions).
No license fees are charged for this prototype. Furthermore, users of this software are not under any obligation(s) to purchase any other SST or third party products or services (i.e. no hidden and/or implicit costs). Howver, even if it is not expected and certainly not prereqisite, a donation towards further development is, of course, welcome.
How to Acquire
Anonymous download (i.e. no registration required).

Site Map

Document/Contents version 1.02
Page/URI last updated on 22.12.2024
Copyright © Stoelzel Software Technologie (SST) 2023 - 2024
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