(SST) ShlWAPIFunctionInfo Version 1.0

Developer Reference
TSSTAdvancedListView.RetEditCanUndo Method
Determines whether or not the text in an in-place edit field can be restored to that prior to the last edit operation.
Protected (i.e. the method can only be accessed from code in a descendant class or the unit it which it is implemented).
Function RetEditCanUndo() : INTEGER;  
Return Values
Returns a byte, boolean value that is True, if the text in the in-place edit control can be restored to that prior to the last cut, delete, or paste operation, and False if not.
The returned boolean value is also available in the form of property EditCanUndo, and reading the property should be preferred to calling the RetCanUndo function directly.
The method is only effective while the read-only EditHandle property returns a valid handle to the in-place edit control/field.
The function first calls the IsValidHandle function with the EditHandle property as the parameter. If the handle returned by the EditHandle property is valid, it calls the Windows API function SendMessage with the in-place, edit control handle and EM_CANUNDO as the first two paramenters. The integer value, returned by SendMessage, is then typecast to a boolean value and the function exits. If the EditHandle is invalid (e.g. 0), the function exits directly, returning False.
Unit (Declared and implemented in) SSTNewUnit.pas
Library SSTNewUnit.dcu/SSTNewUnit.obj
Unicode Implemented as ANSI version only.
See Also
TSSTAdvancedListView, Methods, EditCanUndo, EditHandle, EditClearUndo, EditUndo, CopyEditText, CutEditText, PasteEditText, ClearEditText, ClearEditSel, EditSelectAll, IsValidHandle.

Document/Contents version 1.00
Page/URI last updated on April 28, 2022
Copyright © Stoelzel Software Technologie (SST) 2010 - 2017
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