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(SST) ShlWAPIFunctionInfo Version 1.0 |
Developer Reference |
Provides a string representation of the values returned in the TSSTWinResLanguageId record when reading property ResourceLanguageId. |
Scope |
Public (i.e. this property can be referenced from any code, including that in other units, with access to the TSSTDllVerInfo object of interest). |
Syntax |
Property ResourceLanguageIdAsStr : String; |
Values |
An eight characters in length string that represents the values in the members/fields of a TSSTWinResLanguageId record, in hexadecimal notation.
Remarks |
The returned string has the form TSSTWinResLanguageId.wLanguageId TSSTWinResLanguageId.wIbmCodePage (without a blank/space separating the values). Thus, a TSSTWinResLanguageId record in which the wLanguageId member has a value of 1033 (= 0x0409) and wIbmCodePage has a value of 1252 (= 0x04E4), would produce "040904E4" (without the quotation marks). |
Use this property to form the string that specifies the language, sub-language, code page, and version information string-name from which to retrieve a string-value. |
The concatenated string that specifies the sub-block path and string-name from which the value-string is to be retrieved has the form:
That is, a backslash ("\") followed by "StringFileInfo", followed by a backslash
and the language and codepage identifier pair in hexadecimal notation, separated from a value-name string by a backslash. The following code snippet provides an example of how to form such string using the ResourceLanguageIdAsStr property.
var valnamestr : String;
Applied to resources that were primarily authored for a LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US (= 1033)
user interface, using code page 1252, this code would result in valnamestr containing the string
"\StringFileInfo\040904E4\CompanyName" (without the quotation marks).
valnamestr := '\StringFileInfo\' + ResourceLanguageIdAsStr + '\CompanyName'; |
Requirements | |
Unit | (Declared and implemented in) SSTNewUnit.pas |
Library | SSTNewUnit.dcu/SSTNewUnit.obj |
Unicode | Implemented as ANSI version only. |
Document/Contents version 1.00 Page/URI last updated on April 28, 2022 |
Copyright © Stoelzel Software Technologie (SST) 2010 - 2017 |
Suggestions and comments mail to: webmaster@stoelzelsoftwaretech.com |