Apart from decorating the workspace of your computer, desktop background graphics
(aka wallpapers) are exceedingly useful in at least one other respect;
they make it easy to identify the account under which you are logged on,
provided, of course, each of your user accounts has a different desktop background.
For this reason and under the presumption that
you too will find one or the other aesthetically appealing enough
to serve as the backdrop for your workspace,
we are making some of our desktop backgrounds available to the
(general) public.
Of course, we hope they will also help promote our company.
Nonetheless, where our company name, its abbreviation, and/or logo(s) are not
an essential part of the composition we have kept them unobrusive.
Poison Sumac #9 |
Number of available resolutions: 7.
(25% of actual size)
Hot Penguin |
Number of available resolutions: 1.
(25% of actual size)
Out of the Blue |
Number of available resolutions: 2.
(25% of actual size)
Washed Green 2 |
Number of available resolutions: 3.
(25% of actual size)
To avoid distortion all our desktop background pictures are available
in various sizes.
For details on which wallpaper is available in which resolutions
please see the respective details page.
Preview Image Brightness, Contrast, and Quality
Please note that due to the reduction in size, the preview images may
appear darker than the full size versions. Although to a lesser degree, this
also applies to the large (50% size) preview images.
Even though a primary consideration for our wallpapers is that
shortcut icons, even on "cluttered" desktops remain identifiable,
and we have tested them on various displays, both flat-screen (e.g. LCD) and analog,
we were of course unable to test them on all computer monitors currently in use.
We hope they look good on your screen.
Although all our wallpapers are, and will remain, free of charge, and you
are welcome to share them with others, please read the license grant
in the cabinet archive or on the respective details page before doing so.