Stoelzel Software Technologie SST
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Dear user,
The HTMLStripper is currently (end of 2024) still freeware and for various reasons we would like to keep it that way. One of these reasons is that we find it deplorable that many applications, in as far as their manufacturers provide documentation at all, don't ship it with the product. That is, it's not available offline.
Although single word or phrase Internet searches are good and fine, if you happen to have a high-speed Internet connection and you want to spend your time clicking your way through innumerable hits until you find the information you are looking for. Unfortunately, not all regions on this planet have reliable, Internet access, 24/7. Furthermore, company networks may not be cnnfigured to permit access to certain sites, which may also impede access to the required information.
As a result, setup and user guides are frequently unavailable when you need them the most. This is something we hope to change by not charging license fees for the HTMLStripper. Or at least not for its current, comparatively limited set of features.
However, unlike so many other software projects nowadays, the HTMLStripper is not based on open source libraries/modules, nor was or is it directly or inddirectly publicly financed. Simply put, this and the previous version were financed entirely by SST. As we also do not gather nor sell the data of our users and we don't want to clutter our website and application with ads, donations towards the further development of the HTMLStripper and our other products would be highly welcome. Even small amounts, are helpful.
Therefore, if you want to support our effort in developing high quality software directly, you can do so by donations to the following bank account.
Recipient: SARL Stoelzel Software Technologie
Bank: Credit Mutuel, Ingwiller, France
Account number: 000 200 720 45
IBAN: FR 76 10 27 80 16 91 00 02 00 72 04 527
In some cases your donations may be tax deductible. Should this be the case, the following information may be helpful in your tax declaration.
Chamber of Commerce entry: R.C.S. Saverne 488 328 386
International VAT number: FR 87 488 328 386
Alternatively, if you are considering risking some of your hard earned savings by investing it in the software industry, don't hesitate to contact us per regular mail or e-mail
Stoelzel Software Technologie
4 Rue du Hohweinberg
67340 Sparsbach

If you cannot donate even a small sum or simply do not want to, you can support our projects in other ways too.
By recommending the software and its pages on our website to others.
By reporting bugs to us
Version 0.4 Setup Packages
SST Setup Launcher Icon HTMLStripper Version 0.4 Self-Extracting Setup Package
Language: English
File name: SSTHTMLStripperEn0Pt4SE.exe
File format: Signed, Microsoft Installer Package (.exe)
File size: 4.38 MB Download
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Document/Contents version 1.02
Page/URI last updated on 22.12.2024
Copyright © Stoelzel Software Technologie (SST) 2023 - 2024
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