Stoelzel Software Technologie SST
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Please note, this application is still a prototype !
The HTMLStripper is currently still in an early stage of development. Version 0.4 is a preliminary and largely rudimentary implementation, not a fully developed and tested product.
Although it is comparatively stable, many of its features are not fully functional, don't always function as expected, or have yet to be implemented.
Nonetheless, it can be used.
SST ShlWAPIFunctionInfo Icon   HTMLStripper Version 0.4

Self Extracting Setup Package (and Digital Signature) Details
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  Uncertain whether or not to trust and download/open this file ?
We hope the information on this page is helpful in making that decision. It provides information that identify the file, its manufacturer/author(s), and signatories.
Typically, this information can also be retrieved and viewed by means of opening the file's "properties" dialog/window. Thus, the information on this page can be used to determine if the correct/desired file was downloaded (after all, its conceivable that we've made a mistake), the download completed successfully (i.e. the entire file was downloaded), and that the integrity of the file was preserved, prior to, and during network transimission (i.e. the file's contents are still intact).
Product name: HTMLStripper *1
Product version: 0.4 *1
Language: English *1.
Manufacturer: SARL Stoelzel Software Technoligie (SST) *1.
File name: SSTHTMLStripperEnVer0P43SE.exe
File type: 32-bit, Windows, Portable Exexutable (PE), self-extracting setup package/application (.exe).
Original file name: SSTSetupLauncher.exe *1
File description: Launcher application for self-extracting Microsoft Installer setup packages *1
File version: *1
File Size: 4.38 MB (4,599,152 bytes).
Date last modified: December 22, 2024, 21:52:12 (UTC *2) (22:52:12 *5).
System requirements: Microsoft Windows Vista or any successor of this Windows version, Microsoft Installer version 1.5 or higher, approx. 12 MB of free disk space.
Price: No license fees are charged for this product. Furthermore, users of this software are not under any obligation(s) to purchase any other SST or third party products or services (i.e. no hidden and/or implicit costs), nor is it necessary to relinquish/provide personal data.

To prevent the undetected adulteration of files that have the potential to threaten the security and integrity of your system, this setup package and relevant files within it, were digitally signed.
Although digital signatures cannot prevent the unitentional or intentional corruption of signed files, they are an effective safeguard against the corruption remaining undetected, in that the authenticity and integrity of a file can be easily determined by operating system or third party software, or if need be, manually. The information below is provided for the latter of these cases.
Signature type/version: V2 (Authenticode, Version 2.0).
Certificate issuer (CN): SARL Stoelzel Software Technoligie (SST)*4.
Name of signatory/signing entity: SARL Stoelzel Software Technoligie (SST)*4.
E-mail: — (none specified).
Date and time signed: December 22, 2024, 21:52:12 (UTC *2) (22:52:12 *5).
Certificate serinal number: 50 9c c2 54 30 84 e5 91 43 0e 15 57 34 b9 18 4d.
Digest algorithm: SHA1 (secure hash algorithm 1).
Digest encryption algorithm: RSA.
Message digest: 53 1e 96 f2 f5 74 32 80 87 68 ae 11 40 9a 41 00 c0 64 e6 2d
Certificate version: V3.
Valid from: December 21, 2024, 17:53:21 (UTC *2).
Valid to: December 21, 2026, 17:53:20 (UTC *2).
Public Key: RSA, 2048 bit (256 bytes) *3.
30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 c7 d5 ed 9b 49 25 92
4b 6c c2 24 e2 0d 51 ea a7 f4 79 f7 80 f6 c2 63
80 27 d6 fa b7 1c c9 42 4e 76 b2 3e cc 55 38 13
de db 0c b8 35 da 17 26 07 5f f5 43 c8 fb 2e 1c
a6 4f 49 92 e5 7c 79 5b ff fd 7a 69 a2 4f 46 28
e3 28 da e4 6c 68 76 ae 9f ea 80 0a cd 69 7c e0
b1 36 01 3a 0e ca c1 ad 6a fc 42 0c 6b 19 8c 5c
f6 71 c3 89 7c d3 76 2d db 87 cb ac 3a 32 e9 d3
45 7f b4 d0 16 b9 cb 25 92 10 7f c8 ef 93 7d 93
61 0a 3a 96 4f d0 90 c7 b7 db 98 9c 90 8a e5 a3
f2 8f d2 c5 4b 78 08 f9 1b b5 58 58 db e1 62 73
7c f6 11 ef c5 a5 f9 32 cc 7a f8 09 c8 03 bb 24
c4 7a 85 09 f6 73 14 e9 58 84 0f 31 8b bb 89 a8
00 52 95 c7 5e 57 6d d3 48 9a 7a aa 6b 8f 38 66
65 8c fb 91 f5 bc 43 93 82 52 30 6b fd b4 07 f8
3e 71 bc 7c b2 01 d8 8a 6a 1d 67 bb 00 34 00 2f
1c 18 d7 59 0b a5 c1 b1 89 02 03 01 00 01
Key usage: Code signing.
Thumbprint algorithm: SHA1 (secure hash algorithm 1)
Thumbprint: 53 1e 96 f2 f5 74 32 80 87 68 ae 11 40 9a 41 00 c0 64 e6 2d
To download and/or open (depending on your browser settings) the file described above click the Download button.
*1 Typically, this information is displayed on the "Details" page of the Properties Dialog.
*2 UTC is the abbreviation for Universal Time Coordinated (aka Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)). Your application may show this date and time converted into your local date and time. In this case, you have to add/subtract the number of hours you're ahead or behind of Greenwich time, to compare it to the dates and times specified on this page.
*3 Because the public key is encoded, the number of listed bytes may differ from that of the actual key length.
*4 This is a so-called, self signed, certificate.
*5 Central European Standard Time. Central European Standard Time is Greenwich Mean Time + 01:00:00 hours (i.e. it is ahead of Greenwich Mean Time by one hour. It follows, that if it is exactly noon in Greenwich, it is 13:00 = 01:00 PM in Central Europe).
We have specified this time in addition to the Universal Time Coordinated/Greenwich Mean Time (UTC/GMT), because not all applications always calculate and display the correct time from the actual UTC time used/specified, particularly if your time zone also switches between a "standard" and "daylight saving" time, as does Central European Time.
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Document/Contents version 1.01
Page/URI last updated on 22.12.2024
Copyright © Stoelzel Software Technologie (SST) 2024
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