Generally we use the software that best fulfills (and ideally, exceeds) our requirements.
In most cases, this is commercial software, not because we believe that commercial software
is invariably better than freeware, but because it is easier to resort to established standards
than it is to test and compare innumerable similar applications.
However, standards are not always defined by commercial solutions
and it can be well worthwhile to follow up a recommendation or give in to curiosity.
We would herewith like to express our gratitude to the following
persons, organizations, and companies for making their work
available free of charge.
In alphabetical order:
Creative Commons Organization |
For providing a free, legal framework, without which all but the biggest corporations
would find it difficult to formulate internationally accepted copyright texts
and license terms.
Firefox |
For the free web browser, that since its first appearance
has set standards and is one of the two browsers
on which our website looks best.
FreeCAD |
For a professional 3D, CAD application, that even though still under development
is nonetheless usable and does not necessitate an engineering degree
(even if it does help).
For providing a true alternative to commercial picture/image editing software.
Microsoft Corporation |
For making numerous development tools freely
available, including their Developer Studio,
HTML Help Workshop (i.e. .CHM Help compiler), and Orca,
to name just a few.
Notepad++ |
For a general purpose editor that leaves very little room for
additional features and improvements.
osCommerce |
For providing the well designed database and easily adaptable user interface
of a complete web shop, for free.
Paint.NET |
For a beautifully designed and perfectly implemented, pixel graphic,
editing program, that is ideal for the numerous, small to medium tasks
in everyday work.
Perl |
For providing an unorthodox script/programming language (and documentation)
that has become an accepted standard in Common Gateway Interface (CGI) implementations.
SelfHTML |
For the research and other work that went into this indispensable, free, on- and offline reference
on (nearly) all topics related to creating a website.
If you understand German or it happens to be available in your language, get it or add it to your favorites. |
Stefan Münz and Addison-Wesley |
If you're considering or planning to create (and/or maintain) your
own website, we recommend reading "Professionelle Websites" first.
SysInternals (Mark Russinovich & Bryce Cogswell) |
For the numerous system information and system monitoring tools that
are often enough also more than helpful in development and debugging.
Note, that SysInternals is now a subsidiary of Microsoft Corp. and
that requests are redirected to the Microsoft TechNet site.
TeXnicCenter |
As a visible product of the TeX developer community,
for bringing the TeX typesetting system to the Windows (GUI) desktop.
Ulli Meybohm's HTML EDITOR |
For his excellent, free HTML Editor Phase 5, actually a full fledged development environment for
websites, and still the favorite of our CEO.
Webmin |
Jamie Cameron and all contributors to the
abolutely superb, free, Linux server administration suite,
consisting of the Webmin, Virtualmin, Usermin, and Cloudmin
Wikipedia |
For this indispensable quick reference and source of information on so many subjects,
without which working at the computer would require ever so much more effort in finding
reliable sources.
All links last tested and verified on October 07, 2022.